Oram Miller

Oram Miller - Expert in Healthy Building Environments

Oram Miller is the founder and owner of Create Healthy Homes, a consulting firm focused on providing healthy homes and work places. He works with clients in Southern California and throughout the U.S. who want to avoid electromagnetic fields (EMFs), helping them to create healthier living and work environments, particularly for those who are sensitive to EMFs. Before founding Create Healthy Homes in 2010, Oram Miller served as owner of Environmental Design and Inspection Services for clients in Minneapolis.

Mr. Miller has expertise in EMF identification and mitigation using the principles taught by the Building Biology profession, covering areas such as electric fields and magnetic fields, radio frequencies, and dirty electricity. He is knowledgeable in topics like 5G cellular frequencies, electrical hypersensitivity (EHS), electromagnetic interference (EMI, or dirty electricity), and the health impacts of technologies such as WiFi, cell phones, cell towers and smart meters. He has been a member of several professional organizations, including the Minnesota GreenStar Program and the Green Home Institute.

In the autumn of 2024, Mr. Miller retired from teaching for the Building Biology Institute’s Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) seminars, where he helped develop curriculum and created an apprenticeship program for EMF students. He continues with his EMF consulting practice. He co-authored Breathing Walls, a guide on healthy building materials.

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Oram Miller
Los Angeles, CA US